It finally hit me-finally made sense. What is behind and driving the outbreak of hostility and violence of Hamas and its sympathizers towards Jews and Israel? And the prestigious locales consist of some of our formerly highly lauded universities like Harvard, Columbia, University of Virginia, UCLA et al. With little respect and virtually no contextual comprehension of history, and earfuls of political spewage.
By left of left professors and paid for anarchists, they rally against Jews and Israel. Funded by people like George Soros, and foundations like Ford and Rockefeller.
What about the 1200 Jews slaughtered on October 7? Do they matter?
Let's pause for a moment because this article is not centered on the miserable condition of American higher education. That topic is worthy of probing, but not here.
Let’s look for a moment at American broadcast news. Nary a mention of October 7 but hours and hours of repetitive droning. Snippets of facts while the bigger truths are lost in minutiae and trivialities.
Bland, painfully repetitive, long lines of wannabe experts, such is American news. Hardly a reliable source for information, to say nothing of the truth. Both Jews and Gazans suffer from a truth famine. In place of truth, media offers regurgitated factoids attached tenuously to a sliver of truth-just enough to justify its broadcast. No thinking person could come to any wise conclusion on issues just listening to the so-called “news”. It is, dear reader, for the most part verbal garbage. The sorrow is, thousands of people are suffering on both sides.
In the world of the Kingdom which bears the name of Jesus, there is a term which may define today's reason for the war in the Mid East, which has arrived with force on American shores. It is called BACKLASH!
Satan knows God’s son is soon to return, He also knows the Lord’s church will be a victorious crew at the Lord’s appearance, Satan is aware that the people of God are overcoming him by the word of their testimony and the blood of the Lamb. And, on those same campuses and many others, where there is rioting and chaos there is revival, righteousness, repentance, prayer, and healing and expelling of demons. (49 Secular American Universities have reported “revivals of religion”) God is working in a wonderful and visible way. Thousands have been saved, filled, delivered, healed and accompanied by massive deep public repentance of sin-all this in the context of extended periods of worship and praise.
Did I tell you that all this is going on apart from local churches and directly on the same campuses you hear about having political riots? You may ask why is that? I'm not prepared nor is there room for a full discussion here but suffice to say, God visits the hungry and when He’s invited. Ponder those two parameters to see if they exist in your church.
Going forward, I personally believe “wheat and tares” exists together till the very end of time. Then God sorts it all out. To use another Bible idea from Daniel,
“Iron and clay” are mixed together. That is strength and weakness, confusion and wisdom, darkness and light, chaos and order-all co-exists till Jesus comes.
Meanwhile, there is the duality-Backlash. God is working and Satan is doing his best to sow confusion. The safe ground is to always but always keep our focus on Jesus and what He is doing on the earth. I can say with certainty GOD IS MOVING NOW. At the moment He is visiting campuses, that too will shift because “the wind blows where it wishes” and we see the effect. My prayer is simple, Lord as you blow with your spirit across the earth, Please please blow on me (my family, church, friends, and city). Amen!